Not Here 

It’s a cycle and a whirlpool that pulls you in. It’s a loud voice that echoes inside you but it’s silent on the surface. It’s a dichotomy, a division or may be a rejection. There are moments of attack and moments of harmony but there is always that division. Maybe, you are rejecting this world, maybe you are rejecting you.

One keeps you going (Strength), one takes you to the deepest hallways of your subconscious(Emotion), one is your innocent true self (Inner Child) and one is the crisis between the past and the future (Puberty). And Time is through it all without pausing for the perfect moment. These are all in you. They are all you. But which one is the real you?

Duration: 1 hour 

Concept & Choreography: Tina Bararian

Dancers: Camille Rivkah, Daniela Farrera, Sara Ruellou, Nora Stancu, Europa Carvalho,Tina Bararian

Part of the previous cast: 

Mars Ramon, Michelle Mena

Photographer: Sacha Vega


New York


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