
During moments of distress, the only sounds perceived in the mind are the beating of the heart and the rhythm of breath. Although your surroundings may be filled with chaos, your mind remains in a state of profound silence, the body and mind enter a state of conflict, an interplay between internal silence and external chaos. The only perceptible sounds are the beating of the heart and the rhythm of breath, each fluctuating as the body reacts to perceived danger. The piece digs into the physiological and emotional responses of the body under stress: the tension of muscles, the surge of sweat, the racing heart, and the change in breath patterns. Stress initiates in the brain, where the amygdala processes the first signs of danger relayed by the eyes and ears. This triggers the nervous system’s fight-or-flight response, releasing energy for survival. The rhythm of the body changes; breath becomes erratic, and the brain generates internal tinnitus, a soundless noise intensifying the disconnect between mind and body.

This piece questions how the body processes sound and rhythm during distress. How does breath adapt? Which muscles tense, and in what directions? And how is this tension felt differently in every body? How does the body struggles to expand and extend beyond its constraints? The piece is entirely in a suitcase, and reflects the paradox of movement and balance. A suitcase is inherently mobile, it’s a vessel of transition, carrying fragments of identity and belonging. Yet it confines, representing a limited space where choices must be made about what to take and leave behind. Through the disturbed body and constrained space, the piece explores themes of displacement and survival. The suitcase becomes a metaphor for the fractured body: a shared yet limiting space. Breath takes on a vital role, navigating the rhythms of distress, flight, and expansion, as the body pushes against the boundaries of space and self. The downing of Flight 752 is the inspiration for this piece.

Concept & Choreography: Tina Bararian

Dancer: Monica Plaza 

Tina Bararian

Photographer: Sara Messinger

Using Format